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Effective procurement and vendor risk management practices ensure controls are in place for Farm Credit Canada to obtain value for money when procuring goods and services, apply fairness and transparency in its procurement decisions, manage its vendor relationships and mitigate risks when services or activities are being performed by vendors on its behalf.

Procurement and Vendor Management Policy

Procurement decisions are governed by a set of controls and policies to support fair consideration of suppliers and appropriate risk management for FCC and its shareholder.

Supplier Code of Conduct

These are the minimum standards we expect of any supplier supplying goods and services to FCC. View Supplier Code of Conduct

Health and Safety Protocols

For everyone’s well-being, employees, contractors, consultants, suppliers and vendors must adhere to all local, provincial and federal health and safety guidelines, and must not enter FCC premises if they’re feeling unwell.

Indigenous Procurement Program

FCC is committed to advancing truth and reconciliation and strengthening relationships with Indigenous businesses, communities and Peoples. Learn about the program and how to become a vendor. 

View Indigenous Procurement Program

Purchase Order System

Our enterprise-wide purchase order system allows us to better manage projects and contracts, track orders and communicate requirements with you. Learn more

Electronic Bidding Portal

As part of our strategy to simplify and streamline the procurement process, FCC has joined Merx, a leader in providing secure and transparent access to RFPs and tenders, allowing suppliers to compete through its electronic bidding portal.

To access upcoming tenders, FCC invites all potential suppliers to register online with Merx.

As FCC transitions to the Merx platform, please continue to pay close attention to posted information to ensure continued access to buying information.

For more information about supplying to FCC, please contact procurement@fcc-fac.ca.