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Business Plan Tools for Producers

A business plan is like a road map. It helps you define your ag operation’s core objectives and build a detailed plan for how to achieve them. 

Free business plan bundle for farmers

We want to help make writing your business plan easier. The FCC business plan bundle was designed specifically for farm operations and anyone involved in Canadian agriculture.

The bundle includes:

  1. Business plan guide with instructions and resources

  2. Blank business plan template

  3. Sample business plan

Download bundle now

Bundle includes: Word documents and pdfs. By accessing, downloading, and using the FCC Business Tool Template, you acknowledge and agree that any use of the materials and their contents is entirely at your own risk. It does not replace independent financial, business, or legal advice. For more information, please see FCC’s Terms of Use.

Why you need a business plan

There's a lot involved in writing a business plan, but it’s a worthwhile investment. It can help secure financing from a lender, attract investment or act as an internal guide, keeping your management team focused on the same goals.