Pressure-testing your will and estate plan

Catch the replay of an important conversation between intergenerational wealth transfer specialist Dr. Tom Deans, and farmer, podcaster and community builder Katelyn Duban about will and estate planning. Katelyn and Tom discuss the new Farm Transition – Will and Estate Pre-Planning Tool™ and how to leverage the results to better address the many complex issues specifically related to farming families and facilitate more productive and informed conversations with your advisors and family.
Complete the Farm Transition – Will and Estate Pre-Planning Tool™ questionnaire to obtain your free, confidential report and to follow along with Katelyn and Tom’s conversation.
You can also view a sample report generated by the Farm Transition – Will and Estate Pre-Planning Tool™.
Note: This tool is not a replacement for independent legal, accounting, and financial advice. Recorded on March 12, 2024.
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