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We operate responsibly and with integrity. We hold each other to the highest ethical standards and expect honesty and accountability.

Our impact

Maintaining integrity standards

We conduct due diligence on all lending customers and third parties.

Acting ethically

93% of employees complete FCC’s Code of Conduct knowledge check and 100% sign their annual attestation that they understand and comply with the Code. Any potential wrongdoing by FCC employees will be addressed under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act.

Managing cybersecurity

Managing cybersecurity: We achieved our cybersecurity maturity target based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework.

Protecting information

We launched enterprise-wide information risk learning and formed a Technology and Information Risk Governance Committee that approved a new Information Security policy and will oversee the risk management of information security.

Ensuring strong governance

We’re proud that each member of our Board of Directors has completed ESG training focused on trends, risks, opportunities and organizational integration.

Our progress

Stakeholder business ethics expectations

FCC knows that doing business with integrity, focusing on good governance, complying with policies and properly remediating negative impact will maintain our reputation as a trusted partner to our customers, our shareholder and the public.

FCC’s Code of Conduct guides how we behave as FCC representatives and in our business relationships, including acting with integrity, protecting FCC’s assets, avoiding conflicts of interest, pursuing outside activities, giving or receiving gifts, conducting business during elections and reporting violations. FCC’s Ethics Officer promotes awareness and understanding of the Code of Conduct on behalf of the CEO and the Board and ensures employees have a safe environment for disclosing potential wrongdoing in the organization.

Customers, partners and vendors play a role in ensuring integrity and FCC has policies and processes in place to support this. We lend and contract with those individuals or businesses who respect and adhere to applicable municipal bylaws, provincial and federal laws and regulations, who hold all permits and licenses required by law, and whose activities respect and care for:

  • the environment by exercising reasonable care to safeguard the environment through stewardship of land, air quality and water;

  • animal welfare through application of the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) Codes as a foundation for animal care;

  • labour standards by upholding requirements set through Canada’s labour laws including for seasonal workers; and in general, society and human rights.

When completing new lending with FCC, all customers must sign an Integrity Declaration form that they abide by these requirements. 

Information security

Information security is vital to Canadians, and controlling the collection, use and disclosure of personal information is a pressing issue facing the financial services industry. We’re committed to safeguarding our customers’ and employees’ personal information and have prioritized ongoing efforts to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of confidential and personal information.

To clarify FCC’s expectations of employees, we have policies that govern the use of information, and they are supported by procedures and guides that provide more context and direction. An integrated information risk learning and awareness program was also developed in 2022-23, which provided quarterly, mandatory learning to employees.

In 2022-23, FCC launched a new cybersecurity learning program to provide employees with additional knowledge to help avoid cybersecurity threats faced at the office, at home and on the go. This learning was mandatory for all employees and focused on providing awareness and the skills needed to help reduce the risk of cybersecurity attacks.

FCC is guided by industry-standard frameworks such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to ensure effective capabilities and controls for safeguarding information. A third-party cybersecurity NIST assessment was completed in 2022 based on controls in place as of December 2021 and compared to 2019 results. The assessment showed that FCC’s cybersecurity maturity score has increased from the previous score in 2019. Treatment plans were created to address gaps and focus on continuous improvement.

ESG governance

Effective corporate governance is foundational to our success. FCC has well-established structures, policies, processes and programs to enable effective governance at a Board and management level. The organization also has formalized ESG governance, including Board and committee accountability, steering committee accountability, senior leadership accountability and business unit accountability.

The Board oversees the corporation’s ESG direction and program, and risk management policies, including FCC’s climate change direction. ESG topics also became standard agenda items for the Board’s Risk Management and Corporate Governance committees. Going forward, ESG and climate topics, disclosures and financials will be brought to the Board of Directors.