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Board Charters

The FCC Board of Directors represents Canadians and the breadth of the agriculture industry. Its expertise contributes significantly to the corporation’s mandate and strategic direction. The Board ensures FCC remains focused on our mission, vision and values, and fulfilling our public policy role.

Board members are appointed by the Governor in Council upon the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. Except for the President and CEO, Board members are independent of management.

The Board is responsible for the overall governance of FCC. It ensures business activities are in the best interests of the corporation and the Government of Canada. Board members participate in the strategic planning process and approve FCC’s strategic direction and corporate plan. The Board also exercises its responsibility to ensure risks associated with FCC’s business have been identified. The Board ensures appropriate authorities and controls are in place, risks are properly managed and the achievement of the corporation’s goals and objectives is not in jeopardy. 

Learn more about Board Charters

Board composition

The Board is composed of 12 members, including the President and CEO and the Chair. They bring a combination of agriculture, business and financial experience to the task of governing a corporation that serves an increasingly complex industry.

The Board has four subcommittees: Audit, Corporate Governance, Human Resources and Risk.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees the integrity, accuracy and timeliness of FCC’s financial performance and audit functions. 

Learn more about Audit Committee

Corporate Governance Committee

The Corporate Governance Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board with respect to sound governance practices. 

Learn more about Corporate Governance Committee

Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee reviews all major human resources policy matters. 

Learn more about Human Resources Committee

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee has a broad mandate to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities of risk management. 

Learn more about Risk Committee